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When you know what's best for yourself it's usually vividly clear on what's the best thing to do, but so difficult to enact when your life intertwines with others. Taking the path which places you first is to be applauded (and those who are closest will return, everyone like lost moons waiting to return to each other's happy orbits).

Lafayette was a tremendously powerful event for me, and not just for the gig itself. I did things for selfish reasons. A time to myself without anyone else, going to the National Gallery just for one painting, Tate Modern to feel cool and see other perspectives, and most of all meeting the sister of a past partner who's no longer here. The pinnacle was Lafayette, but the summit was so much higher because of the personal times around it.

Sometimes (if not more often) it's best and beneficial to prioritise yourself. It might be hard but you grow more as a result.

PS as a bit(!) of an AS fan that thunderstorm might just be the best recording you've ever done.

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