Dear Catrin, I read your posts and I love them. Oh Dorma! We have a family piano in Aotearoa that was my Dad's Mum's and it is well over 100 years old. Dad wanted to gift it to Meera as she loves playing the pano so much (and played at his funeral), however it was too old to travel to the UK. It would have fallen apart. So he bought her a new one, we got it from the piano store in Croydon, Lane's Pianos, and it is simple and lovely. It stays against an inside wall in my home just now. Last week I got it tuned, first time since before Covid, and that is such a delight that I am playing every day again. Then I felt re-invigorated, music-wise and got my classical guitar out and I'm re-stringing that and starting back with that too. Pianos and musical instruments are friends and companions. I feel for you and Dorma. Anyway, I can't wait for your new album. Your voice and your music are amazing!!! xxx

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Please never stop making music! Can’t wait for the new album and your solo album:). Cheers!

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