my best friends’ burials
the love you lose from someone you know
can be found again in the smile of a stranger.
teeth like beacons in the dark,
gaps, crooked, a smile to say,
"you are always seen”,
like the way birds sing to us from the trees
"love is never wasted”, my best friend says,
in the face of all the ways grief comes to me
in waves,
one day, anger, the next, despair,
the next, a gentle closing of the heart
and then the next,
an opening again, as fast as the wings
of an insect
"I was thrown from a house into nature,”
I say, and she replies,
"and if we are nature,
you were thrown back into yourself”
nature mirrors love back to us,
jelly-fish like gentle hearts beating,
spirals like third eyes seeing
and on the third day of grief,
I realise love is never lost
love only transforms
a closing of the heart
is an opening to the universe
my best friend picks up every dead animal she finds,
and gives it a burial.
I ask if I can take a picture with my camera, and she says,
“is that okay?”
I try to explain my Dad was a Scientist,
and to me,
nature is something to be documented and left alone
but I am presented with a new way of thinking,
and this time, I receive it
later, in my hometown, I tell my father over coffee
"how it once was is not how it always has to be”
a dog runs up to me on the road
white and pristine and pedigree,
I’m late, I’m tired, I want to walk away
but I think of my best friends’ burials,
so throw my arms out wide, and say,
“where’s home?”
and it takes me there,
leads itself back
and I think, “where would I go?”
maybe I’ll never have one of my own
maybe home is where-ever piano keys are
or ‘the place I go when I’m alone’
as that newton faulkner song blaring
in the airport goes
well, I need to trust
that only I can lead myself back
always love to read from you. this is a really beautiful poem, i liked the last line. also love the thought that you are part of nature and the burial is honours the animals. it's beautiful what you create. <3
Big love.