Video by Darina, yep, a reference to Virginia Wolf and inspired by Portrait Of A Lady On Fire:
The album is OUT!
Run of in-stores this week, get tickets here:
Banquet Records happened on Saturday. Last time we were there was 2020 on a live stream. Feels like a fever dream.
This time, I swore in front of a kid, forgot the lyrics to Free Fallin’ and Nae said it was her fave gig ever:
lots of stuff in press which I’ll address next might have seen it…
for now, thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has ever supported us. Back in 2020, we were honestly made to feel like we should just give up. But musicians and artists really shouldn’t. We can’t let this become a rich kid’s tiktok playground. Art is so much more than that. It belongs to everyone.
I think you said once never give up? If so you were right - Never Give Up. X