and to the distance,
I would say
I still love
everyone I have ever loved,
and never again
will I choose bitterness.
for love and hate
mark the same hand,
and we hold onto anger
as a way to still hold onto them,
but not a million bad words,
or death by public humiliation
no cross nor stake
could negate the love
contained within me
not a million pointed fingers,
nor a place in hell
can ever change the fact
that to be human, and flawed
is to be free
for there is no white heaven,
or hot, black hell,
just every shade of grey
in the clouds between
love is a choice,
a door
that can be walked through
again and again,
no matter how many times
we slam it shut -
after even a war
love is never wasted
nor lost
it only transforms
anyone can walk the path to hell
and turn back around
and to the distance,
I would say
there is none.
not in my heart.
not between the fabric of memories
where love is safely contained
no matter how her stare
has now changed,
oh to my friend
whose quiet voice
is a mountain in its stillness,
who told me,
“think of how many dishes your hands have washed”
when I told her I was afraid of getting old -
who said,
“don’t borrow grief from the future”,
when I told her I was scared of heartbreak,
who said,
“you are going to the edge of what it means to be human”
when I said I was scared to make art
I would simply say,
I miss you, so much,
forever and always
what I would give to be with you,
right now,
in a kitchen, by the sink
marvelling at the time
etched into our palms
and to the friend
who called me an ‘emotional leader’,
who gave me so much faith
and was so bright in their light
I could follow them,
and leave a cave,
I would say,
“I see you,
you are beautiful,
please leave your own, now
and see yourself, too”
and to one of my very best friends
who rang me every day, for hours
as I sat in salt-tear pools
in my childhood playground
but retreats like an ocean
whenever I sound too much like his mother,
I would say;
“I’m sorry.
please draw lines in the sand for me
so I can meet you where you are”
and to the distance,
I would say,
there is an edge to every desert
if I walk far enough
and to my longest companion,
enemy, now,
no longer a lover,
but who I have always
considered a brother,
the person I have known so deeply,
in a way
I may never know anyone else again,
who is so scared of being abandoned
he always stabs first,
who is spiralling
at nearly seven hundred million miles per hour
to the earth
I would gently say,
unclench your fists.
drop the knife.
you are capable of love,
I have seen it.
I am neither heaven nor hell,
black or white
wrong or right,
I am as grey as the sky
you have fallen from
there is always a road out,
a burning shipwreck
(a turning shipwreck)
there is always
a crack
in everything,
that’s how the light
gets in
coming in through the blinds,
that was your line
(every word
was always for you)
and while I can no longer take this journey with you,
I hope you someday find it -
for every road out leads anywhere.
and to the distance,
I would say,
when the world is ending
what is left?
only each other
only the waves
meeting again, when they can
only the bridges
it is never too late to re-build
only the lines drawn in the sand.
Thank you. To future bridges. 🩵♥️
I have no words.